A marine cavernicolous crab, Neoliomera cerasinus Ng, 2002, is recorded from submarine caves in Okina- wa-jima…
View More 沖縄島と伊江島の海底洞窟における クラヤミヒラオウギガニの記録カテゴリー: 無脊椎動物
Specimens of a skin parasite Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 (Branchiura: Argulidae) were collected from two sp…
View More 秋田県産サケ科魚類から採集された寄生虫,チョウモドキ与論島のアンキアライン洞窟から採集された ドウクツベンケイガニ Karstarma boholano (Ng, 2002) (十脚目:短尾下目:ベンケイガニ科)の記録
An endangered cavernicolous crab, Karstarma bo- holano (Ng, 2002), is recorded for the first time on the basis…
View More 与論島のアンキアライン洞窟から採集された ドウクツベンケイガニ Karstarma boholano (Ng, 2002) (十脚目:短尾下目:ベンケイガニ科)の記録Mothocya parvostis or Mothocya sajori ?: cymothoid (Isopoda) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
Five ovigerous females and five males of cymothoid isopod were collected from the branchial cavity of five in…
View More Mothocya parvostis or Mothocya sajori ?: cymothoid (Isopoda) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan北海道日本海沿岸域で漁獲された サヨリに寄生していたエラヌシ属等脚類
Three (two ovigerous and one non-ovigerous) females of cymothoid isopod were accidentally collected in June 19…
View More 北海道日本海沿岸域で漁獲された サヨリに寄生していたエラヌシ属等脚類スーパーマーケットで購入したサヨリから得た サヨリヤドリムシ Mothocya sajori の記録 並びに本種とサヨリノオジャマムシ Mothocya parvostis の 分類に関するメモ
An ovigerous female and a male of the cymothoid isopod Mothocya sajori Bruce, 1986 were collected each from le…
View More スーパーマーケットで購入したサヨリから得た サヨリヤドリムシ Mothocya sajori の記録 並びに本種とサヨリノオジャマムシ Mothocya parvostis の 分類に関するメモMothocya parvostis (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with a brief summary of the hosts, geographical distribution, and pathogenic effects of the isopod
Two females and two males of the cymothoid isopod Mothocya parvostis Bruce, 1986 were found on two of three in…
View More Mothocya parvostis (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with a brief summary of the hosts, geographical distribution, and pathogenic effects of the isopodInfestation of Parathelges enoshimensis (Isopoda: Bopyridae) on Pagurus minutus (Anomura: Paguridae) in a brackish water lake, central Japan
A female of Parathelges enoshimensis Shiino, 1950 was collected from the abdomen of a hermit crab, Pagurus min…
View More Infestation of Parathelges enoshimensis (Isopoda: Bopyridae) on Pagurus minutus (Anomura: Paguridae) in a brackish water lake, central Japan愛知県三河湾産ユビナガホンヤドカリに寄生していた ヤドカリノオジャマムシ(新称)Parathelges enoshimensis (等脚目エビヤドリムシ科)
A female of the bopyrid isopod Parathelges enoshimensis Shiino, 1950 was collected from the abdomen of a hermi…
View More 愛知県三河湾産ユビナガホンヤドカリに寄生していた ヤドカリノオジャマムシ(新称)Parathelges enoshimensis (等脚目エビヤドリムシ科)Occurrence of the bopyrid isopod Athelges takanoshimensis on hermit crabs in a brackish water lake, central Japan
Athelges takanoshimensis Ishii, 1914 was found on the abdomen of an intertidal hermit crab, Pagurus minutus He…
View More Occurrence of the bopyrid isopod Athelges takanoshimensis on hermit crabs in a brackish water lake, central Japan