Vespa mandarinia was discovered on Kuchinoerabu Island in 2023. In this study, we analyzed the mitochondrial D…
最近の投稿 View More
Further record of the marine fish ectoparasite Nerocila phaiopleura (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Mie Prefecture, central Japan, and an update on the distribution of the isopod in Japan
An ovigerous female of Nerocila phaiopleura Bleeker, 1857 was found on one (prevalence, 0.7%) of 141 individua…
Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846), infected with Nerocila phaiopleura Bl…
ウツボ科魚類の産卵行動については,これまでにいくつかのところで報告がある.三宅島ではウツボGymnothorax kidako (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)とホシキカイウツボUroptery…
A species of pyramidellid mollusk was newly recorded from Miyazaki Prefecture: Odostomella cf. rhodocephala Pi…
昆虫類 View More
Vespa mandarinia was discovered on Kuchinoerabu Island in 2023. In this study, we analyzed the mitochondrial D…
The Japanese honeybee, Apis cerana japonica, potentially plays a crucial role in the pollination of Yakushima …
A rare scolid wasp, Campsomeriella annuloides, is recorded from mainland Kyushu (Saga Prefecture), Japan for t…
貝類 View More
A species of pyramidellid mollusk was newly recorded from Miyazaki Prefecture: Odostomella cf. rhodocephala Pi…
Seasonal change in populations of Meretrix spp.(possibly M. lamarckii) was investigated in theintertidal zone …
A pyramidellid mollusks spesies was recoreded from Okinawa, Rissosyrnola cf. aclis (A. Adams, 1853) and anothe…
甲殻類 View More
Further record of the marine fish ectoparasite Nerocila phaiopleura (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Mie Prefecture, central Japan, and an update on the distribution of the isopod in Japan
An ovigerous female of Nerocila phaiopleura Bleeker, 1857 was found on one (prevalence, 0.7%) of 141 individua…
Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846), infected with Nerocila phaiopleura Bl…
Adult females of the cymothoid isopod Anilocra clupei Williams and Bunkley-Williams, 1986 were collected from …
魚類 View More
ウツボ科魚類の産卵行動については,これまでにいくつかのところで報告がある.三宅島ではウツボGymnothorax kidako (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)とホシキカイウツボUroptery…
マンボウMola mola (Linnaeus, 1758)はフグ目マンボウ科Molidaeマンボウ属Molaに属し,世界中の温帯・熱帯海域に広く分布する大型魚類である(Sawai et al., 2017b).日本近海…
A single individual of Choerodon margaritiferus (Labridae) collected from Kakeroma-jima island, Amami Islands,…
種子植物 View More
Balanophora subcupularis (Balanophoraceae) is recorded in Kagoshima for the first time. This is the second dis…
Cyperus aromaticus (Cyperaceae) native to tropical Africa and Madagascar was collected in Amami-Oshima Island,…
鹿児島県の外来植物Ⅻ:ブラジルハシカグサモドキRichardia brasiliensis Gomes(Ruibaceae)を長島町で記録する
A naturalized plant, Richardia brasiliensis Gomes (Rubiaceae), is recorded in the flora of Kagoshima Prefectur…
哺乳類 View More
アザラシ科鰭脚類Phocidae は食肉目Carnivora の海棲哺乳類で,14 属19 種から構成され,日本国内からはアゴヒゲアザラシErignathus barbatus (Erxleben, 1777),クラカケ…
鹿児島県産コウベモグラMogera wogura の食性と活動パターン
Food habits of the large Japanese mole Mogera wogura in Kagoshimna Prefecture were examined by analyzing the c…
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