/ 047-034

鹿児島県口永良部島で発見された ヒナコウモリ Vespertilio sinensis について


Abstract / Introduction / Summary:

The Asian parti-colored bat, Vespertilio sinensis, was found on Kuchinoerabu-jima Island of northern Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Forearm length in Kuchinoera- bu-jima was shorter than those in Hokkaido and Hons- hu. In the skull characters in Kuchinoerabu-jima and Fukuoka Prefecture, CBL and ZW were short as com- pared with those in Hokkaido, Honshu, Ohita and Mi- yazaki Prefecture. Multivariate analysis of skull mea- surements showed that V. sinensis can be separated into three groups, and the specimen in Kuchinoerabu- jima belonged to those in Fukuoka group.