スーパーマーケットで購入したサヨリから得た サヨリヤドリムシ Mothocya sajori の記録 並びに本種とサヨリノオジャマムシ Mothocya parvostis の 分類に関するメモ

An ovigerous female and a male of the cymothoid isopod Mothocya sajori Bruce, 1986 were collected each from le…

View More スーパーマーケットで購入したサヨリから得た サヨリヤドリムシ Mothocya sajori の記録 並びに本種とサヨリノオジャマムシ Mothocya parvostis の 分類に関するメモ

Mothocya parvostis (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with a brief summary of the hosts, geographical distribution, and pathogenic effects of the isopod

Two females and two males of the cymothoid isopod Mothocya parvostis Bruce, 1986 were found on two of three in…

View More Mothocya parvostis (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitic on Japanese halfbeak, Hyporhamphus sajori, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with a brief summary of the hosts, geographical distribution, and pathogenic effects of the isopod

愛知県三河湾産ユビナガホンヤドカリに寄生していた ヤドカリノオジャマムシ(新称)Parathelges enoshimensis (等脚目エビヤドリムシ科)

A female of the bopyrid isopod Parathelges enoshimensis Shiino, 1950 was collected from the abdomen of a hermi…

View More 愛知県三河湾産ユビナガホンヤドカリに寄生していた ヤドカリノオジャマムシ(新称)Parathelges enoshimensis (等脚目エビヤドリムシ科)