/ 048-008



Abstract / Introduction / Summary:

Three spesies of pyramidellid mollusks were col- lected from Ise Bay and Sagami Bay, Japan: Turbonilla scrobiculata Yokoyama, 1922, T. hadakazimana No- mura, 1938 and T. crassa Nomura, 1936. Turbonilla scrobiculata and T. hadakazimana were recorded in shallow waters of Ise Bay at depths of 14 and 32 m, respectivelly. They differ from each other by the height ratio to bredth of wholes; about 50% in the former and 45–47% in the latter. Turbonilla scrobiculata collected from Sagami Bay at a depth of 15 m has narrower axi- al ribs and internal spaces than the two others.