/ 047-061

和歌山県日高川におけるキリクチ絶滅に伴う 奈良キリクチの移入・復活計画およびその後の活動 -故木村英造氏と故久保達郎博士のキリクチへの思い-

岩槻幸雄• 関 伸吾• 谷関俊男・奧野八重子・川嶋尚正・平嶋健太郎

Abstract / Introduction / Summary:

Eye-ovulating eggs and juveniles of Kirikuchi charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, were introduced into the Hi- daka River and others, Wakayama Prefecture for resur- rection initiatives of extinction using the native Nara Kirikuchi charr and others by the Freshwater Fish Pro- tection Association (Tansuigyo Hogokyokai, Osaka) for 1980–1988 with another disclosed activities (1989–1995). Such long release activities by their strong desire of both the late Mr. Eizo Kimura and the late Dr. Tatsuro Kubo were recorded in details for fur- ther evaluation of fish conservation.